Welcome to New Horizons Medical in Quincy!
New Horizons Medical offers comprehensive Outpatient Mental Health and Addiction Recovery programs since August 2016. Conveniently located at 500 Congress St., Suite #505, Quincy, MA 02169.
Quincy Team
New Horizons Medical’s eager and exceptional staff is ready to become a part of your care team and assist you in your journey. Our interdisciplinary teams consist physicians, psychiatrists, social workers, licensed drug and alcohol counselors, and other medical and mental health professionals.
Our mission is to provide quality health care to those suffering from substance addiction, mental illness, or both. New Horizons Medical’s objective is to provide a safe, confidential, and supportive environment. We help patients maintain sobriety and create healthy habits to lead sustainable, healthy, and fulfilling lives.
New Horizons Medical offers Outpatient Mental Health Counseling, Substance Use Dependency, and Psychiatry treatment services in Brookline. Our eager and exceptional staff is ready to become a part of your care team and assist you in your recovery.
- Medication Assisted Treatment for Alcoholism and Alcohol Dependency
- Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Sublocade, Subutex, Zubsolv)
- Naltrexone (Vivitrol tablets and injections)
- Medication Assisted Treatment for Drug Abuse and Opioid Dependency
- Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Sublocade, Subutex, Zubsolv)
- Naltrexone (Vivitrol tablets and injections)
- Individual psychotherapy
- Mental health counseling
- Psychiatry
- Medication management
Make an appointment
We accept most insurance plans including Masshealth and Medicare.

Same-day appointments are available. No need to wait! Call 617-481-6949 now.

Directions to Quincy Center for Comprehensive Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Program
New Horizons Medical office is conveniently located in South Quincy. The office is easily accessible by highway and public transportation. We are located in a medical building in Suite 2G complete with a pharmacy, laboratory, primary care, and other medical specialists.