Outpatient treatment
- Psychiatry evaluations
- Mental health diagnoses treatment
- Addiction and substance use treatment
- Medication management
- Ongoing therapy appointments with our licensed counselors’ team are available to support your needs.
Accepted insurances
At New Horizons Medical, we accept most Massachusetts health insurance plans for mental health, psychiatry, and addiction treatment.
Telehealth appointments
Telehealth appointment with a psychiatrist is a convenient option that can fit your schedule. Our behavioral health providers are available 9 am – 5 pm and in the evenings for scheduled appointments. The only thing you need is a phone or a computer to connect with your psychiatrist through a secure patient portal.
If you do not have a communications device, please contact our office and we can accommodate your appointment in one of our locations.
Contact information
Please contact New Horizons Medical treatment center to make an appointment for psychiatry evaluations, treatment, and medication management. Call 888-999-2041 for a free consultation and to schedule your appointment today.
Confidentiality and HIPAA
Mental health counseling is most effective when you feel comfortable speaking with your therapist. At New Horizons Medical, we protect your privacy and confidentiality by following professional ethics as well as state and federal laws. No information about your treatment at NHM is available to anyone outside our organization unless permitted by your writing permission. This includes NHM personnel, parents and family members, friends, or any outside agencies
Exceptions to Confidentiality
If you choose New Horizons Medical to bill your insurance for appointments, the minimal necessary information will be shared with covered entities to obtain payment, see INFORMATION PRIVACY AND HIPAA for more info.
Another exemption to confidentiality would only apply if we deem it necessary to protect you or someone else from physical harm. This is a legal requirement step for harm prevention. The exception includes, only when legally required and all protocols followed:
- Child and elder abuse
- Psychiatric hospitalizations
- Court order
Psychiatry Appointments in Massachusetts
Brookline Psychiatry Center
Address: 358 Harvard St Brookline MA 02446 (get route by Google)
Nestled in the heart of Coolidge Corner, our office is easily accessible by public transportation and major highways.
Framingham Psychiatry Center
Address: 214 Howard St Framingham MA 01702 (get route by Google)
The office is a 10 min walk from the Framingham Commuter Rail station for ready access from Boston and Worcester. There is a big parking lot in front of the building if you travel by car.
Haverhill Psychiatry Center
Address: 62 Brown St Haverhill MA 01830 (get route by Google)
The Haverhill office is conveniently located near Merrimack Valley Hospital. There is plenty of parking available at the medical center right in front of our office. After parking, enter the gray building and go to suite 505.
Lynn Psychiatry Center
Address: 222 Blossom St Lynn MA 01905 (get route by Google)
New Horizons Medical office is located close to Lynn’s downtown and is just a 10-minute walk from the Lynn train station.
Quincy Psychiatry Center
Address: 500 Congress St Quincy MA 02169 (get route by Google)
New Horizons Medical office is conveniently located in South Quincy. The office is easily accessible by highway and public transportation. We are located in a medical building in Suite 2G.
Our offices are easily accessible by public transportation and have plenty of parking available. Psychiatry Services in Boston, Jamaica Plain, Cambridge, Brighton, Newton, Needham, Waltham, Somerville, Dorchester, Dedham, Brockton, Braintree, Weymouth, Milton, Norwood, Wellesley, Natick, Wayland, Weston, Belmont, Ashland, Southborough, Marlborough, Worcester, Sudbury, Revere, Medford, Malden, Melrose, Saugus, Swampscott, Winthrop, Peabody, Beverly, Lawrence, Lowell, Newbury, Andover. Very convenient from anywhere in Massachusetts!